6 Things That You Can Do This Winter

Winters usually get the better of us irrespective of which part of the world we hail from.
However, we, in India, are lucky to bask in the warmth of sunny days after cold winter nights.
This also makes it all the more difficult to leave our cozy beds and get rid of our couch-potatoness. So, here we list out some games or activities that will help you un-sloth yourself this winter!
Winter Making You Feel Gloomy? Here Are 6 Things You Can Do to Shake Off the Blues
1. Play Rummy
Well, you don’t always have to keep running and working out. After all the work you’ve done, you sure deserve some time to relax. But, there are also games that you can play as you relax.
Try a rummy card game with your friends as you sit back sipping a cup of warm tea or coffee. Sounds relaxing, right? Go on and try it!
So, we’ve got you some of the things you can do this winter and have a lovely time apart from just snuggling into your blanket. Take your pick and have a happy winter!
2. Treasure Hunt
This game is best played in the day time lest, in dark, you might trip over something you wouldn’t want to.
Arrange for a treasure hunt party in a warm place and you can keep a special gift with each solved clue. You may include sweatshirts, mittens, socks, jackets, sweaters, etc if you want to keep in line with the season.
Once you’re set with the idea, invite your friends or even family and let the hunt begin!
3. The Fittest of All
This game is a great way of not just reducing laziness but, in fact, becoming active and fit. You will need any basic pedometers which are available for a very reasonable price these days.
Each participant must carry one with themselves throughout the day. Challenge a group of friends or family to a daily fitness streak wherein the one who records the highest activity on the pedometer wins the game.
The winner can be treated to some warm and cozy reward. So, sweat it out and be a winner!
4. A Ball Game
Who can say NO to any ball game, right! Well, pick any of your choice – volleyball, handball, football, throw ball, cricket, etc – and gather your group of players for a nice and fun game night to beat the stress.
It’s fun, covers the fitness factor while ‘warming up’ your body and is also a great way to de-stress. So, get a ball and kick up the fun!
5. Winter Theme Party
Plan a nice winter theme party, perhaps Christmas, and decorate your entire house for a lovely get-together with your friends and family.
Preparations can be done days ahead of the party. You can make your own decorative pieces, food, gifts, etc. Each day could be one filled with lot of fun making all the party stuff yourself.
And, the end result would be so much more fulfilling as all of it would have been done by you!
5. Cook or Bake
Nothing feels as amazing as the home filled with warmth from the oven and aroma of some mouth-watering food. It’s festive season and also time for some good old baking.
Now is the time to put your OTG to use, if it’s been lying away in the corner since forever. Why not try baking a cake or cookies or a pie or muffins or anything that you’ve been thinking of since a long time.
Put your thoughts to action and get baking/cooking. We bet your laziness will not come in the way and make use of this productive time to make some money as well.