Misspelled Keywords of Indian Rummy Game
We’ve noticed many players usually misspell the word “rummy” while looking it up on the search engines, and then later get confused to see the result. So here, we are trying to help you avoid that confusion by listing down the misspelled terms.

Misspelled Keywords of Indian Rummy Game
Misspelled Keywords of Rummy
These are the most common misspelled keywords of the rummy game that we came across to date – rami, rammy, rammi, remmy, remmi, rummi, rummie, rumi, onlinerammy
We do get many queries with “remi card game” – this is the Indonesian version of rummy.
The mentioned keywords are nothing but the alternative forms of online rummy games searched in search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and others.
These search engines are designed to smartly list out the right websites even for misspelled keywords. However, since we receive a lot of queries about this on a daily basis, we decided to give you a clearer picture of it.
So, you’ve been looking to play Indian rummy card games, and our platform offers you to play online over the web, and also allows you to download the rummy game for desktop, mobile, and tablet as well.
To play the rummy game at Classicrummy.com, all you need is to create an account by registering at the site. Once you are registered, you can start to play rummy-free games or cash games and monthly tourneys. Check out our monthly tournaments here. And, to make it more transparent, here’s our list of rummy game winners for the last month.
So, what are you waiting for? Start playing rummy online and win real cash. Additionally, you can also win exciting shopping vouchers every month.