Kerala high court considers Online Rummy, Game of Skill and lifts ban on online rummy games

kerala high court considers online rummy game of skill
The game of rummy whether the traditional one or the online one has stuck around for decades now where we’ve lost track of how long it has actually been. It has and is being played by millions of people around the world and is most loved as well.
One thing that also stuck around was the constant debate that Online Rummy is a game of chance/ a game of luck and not a game of skill. There are various statements to prove both sides. The bans on these online rummy games in states have also been due to this very reason.
When on one hand the Karnataka Government banned online rummy and gambling the other all the players residing in Kerala saw a ray of hope and light on 27th September 2021 when the Kerala High Courts reconsidered the decision of the state government which imposed a ban on the Online Rummy Games.
The government under the Kerala Gaming Act 1960 implied this ban which was later lifted by the high court. It wasn’t an easy out because there was a lot of back and forth, debates and arguments that did take place. But all’s well that ends well.
The ban was implied majorly due to the fact that Online Rummy Apk is a game of chance and luck. It was said that physical online rummy cannot be allowed to play, and online rummy games need to be banned. This was a big setback.
The debate still continues in various places, but the bottom line is that Online Rummy is a Game of Skill. The Kerala High Court saw through this and considered online rummy games as a game of ‘mere skill’. This surely did bring about a huge sigh of relief among the skill-gaming industry and a renouncement among rummy players!
A single judge bench of the Kerala High Court Justice TR Ravi called out the government in regard to the ban. He proposed that according to the rights mentioned in the Constitution of India this was unconstitutional as it violated Article 14 and Article 19 (g).
The example provided by Justice TR Ravi to define Online Rummy as a game of skill and not a game of chance was that if the cards displayed on the table are arranged in sets with the person’s efforts and then declared then it is a game of skill but if the cards are made into sets without any efforts yet managed to declare them then it is a game of chance.
Several petitions in respect to this were made forth to the High Court. All of which stated that the reasons provided for banning online rummy games had no legal backing and the issues raised by the state government were purely arbitrary in nature.
Mukul Rahotgi a Senior Advocate did appear as one of the petitioners during the course and mentioned that online rummy cash games cannot be claimed as a game of chance simply because it is addictive. He further added that the state promotes lotteries which are also addictive.
Setting aside the ban made by the state government the Kerala High Court stated that whether Online Rummy Games involve playing with stakes or no stakes it is still considered to be a ‘game of skill’.
The Court also exempted all the other games involving skill from the Act. The bench also relied and used various precedents by the High Courts of different states as well as the Supreme Court to prove and close on the conclusion the rummy online cash game is a game of mere skill and not a game of chance or gambling.
Considering all the pointers mentioned by Justice TR Ravi and Senior Advocate Mukul Rohatgi and noticing all the previous judgments and making a note of all the decisions, the High Court also mentioned that Rummy is considered a game of skill. Whether it is the physical rummy game or the online rummy game both of which require skill and cannot be termed to be a game of chance.
To sum it all up, the Kerala High Court did quash all the notifications made by the state government. Now, Kerala will also play online rummy cash games that too without having any inhibitions or bans. The state will now beam with players showcasing their skills at online rummy games.
Rummy online cash game app download is a mix of thrill, excitement, fun, and most importantly skill because without skill there is no point playing the game.
There is a lot of skill, logic, reasoning, rationing and various other intrapersonal skills that one needs to utilise during the game! So, go ahead and enjoy all of this at one place and one game.
Classic Rummy has fun packed games, practise sessions and tournaments which can be played and enjoyed by players of all age groups above the age of 18. Check it out now if you haven’t already and let us know your take on the bans and the upliftment of the ban by Kerala High Court on Online Rummy Game.